3 Ways to Treat Heart Disease Naturally : Heart Problems, Congestive Heart Failure - HEALTHY SOLUTIONS


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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

3 Ways to Treat Heart Disease Naturally : Heart Problems, Congestive Heart Failure

How to treat heart disease is certainly not as easy to prevent it. A person who is convicted by a doctor, that there are symptoms of this disease in him will certainly shock and distress, congestive heart failure

Well, there's an alternative method to overcome this severe disease. The traditional way is certainly safe and do not cause any side effects. Heart disease causes damage to part of the heart muscle are triggered by the distribution of the blood to the organs were not smooth because heart problems.

This condition is caused by the presence of blood clots or strain on the coronary arteries. When the amount of blood towards the heart too little or stop, then the heart muscle will be damaged even cause sudden death. When the white blood cells and fatty acids accumulate in the walls of the coronary arteries that drain the blood to the heart is broken, it will form a frozen blood to clot. If this artery-clogging clots, then someone would have had a heart attack. 

How to prevent heart disease :

1. Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels to avoid unhealthy foods that could trigger a rise in blood pressure and cholesterol in the body. Don't let excess fat in the stomach, because it can mask the body organs that are important. Read: List Of Food-Lowering Of Hypertension. 

2. Expand the drinking water with adequate water intake then the organs of the body can work properly and optimally. Drink 8 glasses of water per day and stop smoking.

 3. Regular exercise by doing light exercise such as walking in the morning, can lower the risk of heart attack by 30 percent. Try to walk every morning for 30 minutes, as the Sun emits a warm light. 

4. Multiply the eat nuts healthy heart Food including beans good to add to your daily menu. This healthy food can increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. Symptoms of heart disease heart palpitations (Palpitations) these symptoms often appear in conjunction with the symptoms of other diseases. Often faint blood supply Deficiency can occur due to a weak heart muscle performance, which is not able to pump blood properly. 
Shortness of breath On chronic heart disease allows the liquid goes into the lung cavity, so that sufferers experiencing shortness of breath. Often experience cramps and pains blood supply which is not smoothly can also cause pain and cramping in some parts of the body. 

3 ways to treat heart disease Naturally :

1. Turmeric Turmeric have natural anticoagulants can prevent blood clotting and thrombosis. Compounds in it is capable of dissolving bad cholesterol, so no blood vessels clogged by him. Grated turmeric Rhizome, seduh with half a glass of hot water. Leave it on for 15 minutes, before the water is filtered. Shared drinking honey. 

2. Leaves Breadfruit Flavonoids and sitosterol that is present in the leaves of breadfruit helps to keep your heart and blood vessels. To nourish the heart, boiled breadfruit leaves parents together 5 cups of water until the waning half of the original. Drinking water in a row during 1 week. 

3. whether a powerful antioxidant Juice in noni (noni fruit) are able to fight the free radicals that can cause cancer and heart disease. If free radicals settles on the blood vessels, so blood flow will be clogged. So, drink the juice of noni with the routine will help to manjaga heart health. 

Heart Healthy Tips in order to Always Reduce fried foods, foods with boiled With boiled vegetables and foods incorporating green into daily menus, will ease the heart's performance. Reduce salt consumption to maintain your blood pressure. Gentle exercise activity that passive and less motion can increase the risk of heart attack. Less exercise cause a shortage of blood intake. 

Do light exercise routine, so that the function of the organs of the body can run optimally. Walking fast or running in the mornings though simple, light activity such as walking with a routine every morning is beneficial to maintaining the health of your heart. 

Try walking barefoot. This method is useful to normalize the nerves in the soles of the feet. Living a healthy lifestyle without waiting for a disease attack. Mistakes are often made by many is considered trivial heart health. An occasional visit patients in hospitals, in order to appreciate expensive body health