1. Breasts the lady are often sucking, cardiovascular system balance her femininity dpt awake ... When men suck Breasts of women in long time, then degupan heart women dpt increased to 110 beats/minute. This may be a good exercise for heart health.
2. Suction Breast women also make interchangeable weight women more stable, even diminished. This is due to the female Breast, smoked for 3 minutes yg dpt fat burning about 12 calories.
3. Want to face more toned? If so, do not hesitate for more frequently smoked her tits. With the Breast, then smoked over 30 women moving facial muscles, so useful for improving blood flow in the skin of the face, and smooth skin.
4. During these suction Breast women considered it impolite reply/taboo. But in fact the woman's Breast suction dpt makes women more youthful, natural remedy is antecedent stimulates the immune system, the result is the production of antibodies able to protect from virus yg. This process is called cross-immunotherapy.
5. At the time of a woman's Breast smoked, usually a woman's breath so much faster ... Rata2 suction tits, while women will inhale breath and disposing of 60 times in one minute. Whereas in normal circumstances only 20 times each minute. Breathe in and throw out the breather more frequently will prevent various disorders of diparu.
6. reply Lady Breast smoked more than 5 minutes will make a woman's body is more relaxed, able to produce the chemical chain of yg will destroy the various hormones cause stress.
7. breast sucking Habits on the morning wake-up moment for 3 minutes and performed routine every morning will help prevent the onset of breast cancer.
----Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG----
Well, wait? easy and useful.
Come the men don't have to hesitate for goodness, from the suction on smoking they're expensive. Good Luck.
2. Suction Breast women also make interchangeable weight women more stable, even diminished. This is due to the female Breast, smoked for 3 minutes yg dpt fat burning about 12 calories.
3. Want to face more toned? If so, do not hesitate for more frequently smoked her tits. With the Breast, then smoked over 30 women moving facial muscles, so useful for improving blood flow in the skin of the face, and smooth skin.
4. During these suction Breast women considered it impolite reply/taboo. But in fact the woman's Breast suction dpt makes women more youthful, natural remedy is antecedent stimulates the immune system, the result is the production of antibodies able to protect from virus yg. This process is called cross-immunotherapy.
5. At the time of a woman's Breast smoked, usually a woman's breath so much faster ... Rata2 suction tits, while women will inhale breath and disposing of 60 times in one minute. Whereas in normal circumstances only 20 times each minute. Breathe in and throw out the breather more frequently will prevent various disorders of diparu.
6. reply Lady Breast smoked more than 5 minutes will make a woman's body is more relaxed, able to produce the chemical chain of yg will destroy the various hormones cause stress.
7. breast sucking Habits on the morning wake-up moment for 3 minutes and performed routine every morning will help prevent the onset of breast cancer.
----Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha SpOG----
Well, wait? easy and useful.
Come the men don't have to hesitate for goodness, from the suction on smoking they're expensive. Good Luck.