Tips on the care of heart disease in women
In treating heart disease in women, the goal is to prevent the occurrence of episodes of heart disease in the future. In this case, in addition to medication, lifestyle changes should be done well, since heart disease generally occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The following is a lifestyle change that can be done to treat the heart in women:
** Diet
Diet food here not to reduce weight but rather the meaning of his own diet is the food. A lifestyle that must be modified is changing everyday diet. Healthy diet for heart, among others, is low in fat (10% < saturated fat and 300 mg cholesterol <). In addition there are also good fats namely fat not saturated like avocados, nuts, coconut oil.
In addition to fat, also carried out a diet that was able to prevent hypertension such as fruit, vegetables, and dairy products without fat or low fat. In addition it reduces the consumption of salts containing Sodium is also good for hypertension. Read also: Cardiac Diet Menu.
** Sports
Sports is another way to make heart-healthy. The recommended exercise is aerobic type exercise seperrti running, jogging, brisk walking, bicycle, swimming, gymnastics and others. To keep the duration of 150 minutes per week of moderate to severe intensity. Read also: the benefits of Exercise for the heart, sports Boosters of the heart.
** Weight control
Weight control alone will reduce the risk of heart disease. Sudden weight loss however was able to be harmful to the heart, hence the notice also how to lose weight with healthy for the heart.
** Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease and improve health status. Read also: the dangers of Alcohol for the heart, the Heart-damaging Habits.
** Reduces Stress and depression
Stress can increase blood pressure, affects patterns of healthy living. Therefore it reduces stress and depression were able to maintain heart health. In addition women are more easily affected by depression than men, and are therefore capable of treating depression screening heart be healthy.
Information about how to resolve the case of heart disease in women that need to be understood and learned. always keep your heart health and your body to avoid various diseases.
In treating heart disease in women, the goal is to prevent the occurrence of episodes of heart disease in the future. In this case, in addition to medication, lifestyle changes should be done well, since heart disease generally occurs due to an unhealthy lifestyle. The following is a lifestyle change that can be done to treat the heart in women:
** Diet
Diet food here not to reduce weight but rather the meaning of his own diet is the food. A lifestyle that must be modified is changing everyday diet. Healthy diet for heart, among others, is low in fat (10% < saturated fat and 300 mg cholesterol <). In addition there are also good fats namely fat not saturated like avocados, nuts, coconut oil.
In addition to fat, also carried out a diet that was able to prevent hypertension such as fruit, vegetables, and dairy products without fat or low fat. In addition it reduces the consumption of salts containing Sodium is also good for hypertension. Read also: Cardiac Diet Menu.
** Sports
Sports is another way to make heart-healthy. The recommended exercise is aerobic type exercise seperrti running, jogging, brisk walking, bicycle, swimming, gymnastics and others. To keep the duration of 150 minutes per week of moderate to severe intensity. Read also: the benefits of Exercise for the heart, sports Boosters of the heart.
** Weight control
Weight control alone will reduce the risk of heart disease. Sudden weight loss however was able to be harmful to the heart, hence the notice also how to lose weight with healthy for the heart.
** Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol reduces the risk of heart disease and improve health status. Read also: the dangers of Alcohol for the heart, the Heart-damaging Habits.
** Reduces Stress and depression
Stress can increase blood pressure, affects patterns of healthy living. Therefore it reduces stress and depression were able to maintain heart health. In addition women are more easily affected by depression than men, and are therefore capable of treating depression screening heart be healthy.
Information about how to resolve the case of heart disease in women that need to be understood and learned. always keep your heart health and your body to avoid various diseases.