15 Guide to Tackling Heart Disease in Women and Treatment Tips - HEALTHY SOLUTIONS


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Wednesday, March 28, 2018

15 Guide to Tackling Heart Disease in Women and Treatment Tips

Heart disease is the largest cause of death in women. Heart disease in women is generally at an older age than men. Women generally have a tendency of exposed heart disease at the age of 55 years of age, while men aged 45 years and over. Also according to statistics heart disease kills 1 in 3 women than breast cancer which killed 1 of 31 women.

Heart disease alone could be defined with all conditions/diseases that affect heart function. The heart has its own vital functions because of memompakan blood that contains nutrients and oxygen throughout the body for survival every cell in the human body is the entire network. All forms of heart disease are able to affect heart function such as a valve or disturbance is often heard with heart valve disease, or it could be about the heart muscle like a swollen heart or cardiomyopathy.

In addition blood flow disorder that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart can also affect heart function such as coronary heart disease or hypertension. Other diseases are also often is impaired heart electrical regulation capable of causing cardiac arrhythmias and cardiac inflammation in myocarditis diseases capable of affecting the work of the heart.

The heart, in addition to being influenced by things that are a part of it, is also influenced by other hormones such as the hormones produced by the thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, and hormones from other organs. The fundamental difference between women and men is a hormone produced by the ovaries and testes. The one that affects estrogen hormone is produced by the ovaries that are owned by women.

Estrogen has many effects on the blood vessels as it makes blood vessels become relax that will reduce blood pressure. Besides estrogen hormonal effects of disguise also stress. Is a natural antioxidant. However oxygen also has adverse effects such as heart produces blood coagulation that causes jendalan of the blood that can cause a heart attack.

Estrogen alone is generally produced in the time before menopause, a period when women already produces no ova. Therefore women are likely to be affected by heart disease for longer than men. These differences make the approach to heart disease in women is a little different than the approach in men. The difference in heart disease in men and women who can be compared is the difference in the underlying mechanism, the difference in heart disease symptoms, complications and differences occur. The most visible difference is awareness of heart disease among men and women.

Signs of heart disease in women

There are several signs and symptoms of heart disease in women that are largely the same in men, but the perceived symptoms in women may not be a symptom of heart disease. Compared to men, women are more often affected by unstable angina (chest pain or pain sensations that arise are not regular and not predictable). The following is a sign of heart disease in women than in men followed the typical diagnosis is:

> Angina pectoris; some women will have symptoms of chest pain or chest is depressed but more often was feeling chest tightness, burning sensation, sensation of discomfort, pain in the arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back. Additionally, on angina are sometimes followed by nausea, sweating, dizziness and fatigue.
> Coronary heart disease; Angina appear at such exercises, rush or other strenuous activity.
Heart failure; heart failure is also more frequent in women than in men. The symptom is swelling (edema) on the arm or the stomach, fatigue, high blood pressure, shortness of breath.
> Heart attack; same symptoms with angina, but did not disappear when the break. Chest pain and radiating to the left arm is the classic symptoms but some do not know the symptoms that follow is senasi pressure on the chest, feeling of choking, shortness of breath, sharp shoulder pain, a sensation of fear, pain, nausea and feeling there something that is not true.
> Broken heart syndrome; the disease is more common in women. Due to emotional stress is very severe. Another name is cardiomyopathy induced by stress. Some of the symptoms is the chest pain and shortness of breath but often occur in people who have no family history of heart disease. Arrhythmia and cardiogenic shock also occurred.

In addition to the symptoms, risk factors are also noteworthy, namely the factors that increase the likelihood of heart disease in women. The following is their risk factors for heart disease in women:

Stress and depression
Physical activity is less
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